The StarPlus show Anupama, produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut Productions, entertains the audience with its gripping drama. Starring Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna in lead roles, the upcoming episode, on 4 September 2024, promises to keep you hooked.
In the upcoming episode, Anupama (Rupali Ganguly) and Anuj (Gaurav Khanna) indulge in a romantic moment. Anupama secures Anuj’s hair while he works, similar to what Anuj used to do when Anupama used to work. Later, Meenu and Kinjal meet Anupama, where Toshu intervenes and questions them about how they went there without his permission. He announces himself as the new head of the Shah family.
Anupama confronts Toshu and taunts him for his capability to handle the family. Toshu, in high pitch, tries to stop Anupama, highlighting that she is disrespecting him. Anupama shares that he should have some respect for disrespecting him. Toshu warns Anupama.
Toshu organizes a puja at his home, where Leela complains about not telling her. Toshu reveals that he is now the new head of the family. He shares that this puja is for the pagadi ceremony. Leela refuses to agree with Toshu as Vanraj is still alive. Toshi forcefully gets Leela to wear the pagadi.
Anupamaa Today’s Written Update
In today’s episode, Anuj and Adhya surprise Anupama by decorating the hospital room. Anupama becomes happy and gets ready to return to Aasha Bhavan. Doctors advise Anupama to rest completely, and Anuj and Adhya ensure Anupama’s responsibilities. At the same time, Toshu, Pakhi, and Aasha Bhavan members prepare for Anupama’s welcome.
Soon, Anupama arrives, and she is welcomed with warm gestures. Anupama becomes happy, knowing that her stall is still working. On the other hand, Toshu and Pakhi notice Sagar and Meenu’s closeness. Pakhi asks Toshu to wait for Vanraj to come, and then they will expose Meenu and Sagar.
Everyone becomes happy after Anupama comes. Then, Leela and the Shah family return home and decide not to indulge in Aasha Bhavan matters anymore. Soon, Anupama enters and asks Leela for permission to enter her premises. Leela tries to be harsh, but she welcomes Anupama.
In an emotional moment, Anupama expresses her gratitude to Leela for praying for her. She highlights that life is very short, and the moments that pass by never come back. Lastly, Anupama requests that Leela choose Hasmukh and live the rest of her life with him. Anupama hugs Leela, melting the audience’s hearts.