Bhagya Lakshmi, the Zee TV show produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, continues to entertain the audience with major ups and downs in the lives of Rishi (Rohit Suchanti) and Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare). Anushka stabs Aayush in pursuit of harming Shalu. Shalu becomes aggressive, but Lakshmi holds her. Check out the written update of the episode airing on 1 February 2025

Today’s episode begins with Anushka accusing Aayush of betraying her even after their marriage. As Anushka stabs Aayush, Rishi asks him to rush to the hospital, but he refuses. Aayush gathers his courage and accepts that he loves Shalu and always has. Rishi tells Aayush that he will only marry the person he loves.

The police officers arrest Anushka, who screams in anger that she will come back and will not let Shalu and Aayush unite. Lakshmi confronts Anushka, upon which Anushka curses Lakshmi, saying that like she is suffering, Lakshmi will suffer too and won’t ever get Rishi back in her life, leaving Rishi shocked.

Later, Shalu prays in front of God to save Aayush, which Lakshmi overhears. Lakshmi asks Shalu if she loves Aayush, and Shalu confesses her love in the emotional moment. Shalu reveals that in fear of Neelam, she denied Aayush’s proposal. Lakshmi vows to unite Aayush and Shalu.