Zee TV’s popular show Bhagya Lakshmi, produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, the audience has seen interesting dramas in the lives of Rishi and Lakshmi. The show casts Rohit Suchanti and Aishwarya Khare in the lead role. Check out the written update for the upcoming episode airing on 26 January 2025.

In the upcoming episode, the police arrive at the Oberoi family’s Lohri celebrations. Kiran shares that her neckline is stolen and tells the police she knows who the robber is. Kiran accuses Lakshmi of the robbery, which leaves everyone shocked. On the other hand, Anushka asks Neel if his man has arrived, and he reveals that he is already there.

Bhagya Lakshmi Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Aayush kneeling down to propose to Shalu, but Karishma stops him. Neelam also highlights that he cannot make fun of the Lohri fire. Rishi supports Aayush and tells Neelam to let him do what he wants, but Neelam tries to stop Aayush. Aayush brings Shalu aside and proposes to her, asking for marriage, leaving everyone shocked.

Rishi asks Lakshmi if Aayush is bad, and Lakshmi calls him better than Rishi. Neel and Anushka steal a necklace from Lakshmi’s room and decide to wait to witness the big drama. Aayush asks Shalu to answer his proposal, but she refuses to say anything. Shalu tells Aayush to talk later, but he insists on answering in front of everyone. Shalu rejects Aayush’s marriage proposal, upon which Karishma confronts Shalu, asking her if she knows whom she is rejecting.

Rano supports Shalu and asserts that if she accepts the proposal, she is a gold digger, and if she does, she is incapable. Amidst the ongoing drama, Kiran enters the scene, revealing that her old heritage necklace has been stolen. Hearing this, Malishka pretends to be overwhelmed and tries to portray Lakshmi as behind this, as she is her enemy.