Zee TV’s popular show Bhagya Lakshmi, produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, the audience has seen interesting dramas in the lives of Rishi and Lakshmi. The show casts Rohit Suchanti and Aishwarya Khare in the lead role. Check out the written update for the upcoming episode airing on 29 January 2025.

In the upcoming episode, the real police arrive and catch the fake ones. They ask the fake police about their plan, and Neel’s friend reveals that Neel called him to kidnap Aayush in the Anushka kidnapping case. The police find Anushka and Neel. They arrest Neel and Anushka, and Karishma scolds her. At the same time, Shalu takes a stand for Lakshmi, highlighting that because of her, Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare)was blamed for the robbery.

Bhagya Lakshmi Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Shalu feeling something fishy, but she fails to catch Neel and Anushka red-handed. Kiran worries as she sees Guru Maa searching for Neelam. Karishma worries as the police tell them that Aayush will be arrested. Neelam confronts Lakshmi for not informing her that Anushka has entered the house. Meanwhile, Malishka enters the scene and expresses her frustration that she needs care and love from Rishi (Rohit Suchanti), but every day, she has to see new drama. Lakshmi comes to console her, but Malishka instead screams at her.

Shalu takes a stand for Lakshmi and asks Malishka if she should reveal who’s child is in her stomach. Malishka reveals that it’s Rishi’s child, but Shalu denies it, highlighting that she is pregnant with Lakshmi’s husband. Neelam and Karishma try to stop Shalu, but she stays strong and gives befitting answers.

Amidst the chaos and arguments, Guru Maa wishes to tell Neelam the truth about Lakshmi’s pregnancy. Kiran notices this, and she pushes Guru Maa and the maid down the steps, leading to a dramatic fall. The guards take them to the hospital while the real police arrive.