Zee TV’s popular show Bhagya Lakshmi, produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, the audience has seen interesting dramas in the lives of Rishi and Lakshmi. The show casts Rohit Suchanti and Aishwarya Khare in the lead role. Check out the written update for the upcoming episode airing on 30 January 2025.
Today’s episode begins with Anushka holding Shalu under the edge of her knife. She warns everyone to stay away from her, or she will kill Shalu. The police officer tries to convince Anushka not to take the law into her hands. Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare) also comes forward, asking Anushka to leave Shalu, but she threatens everyone. Aayush comes in front, confronting Anushka and asking her to leave Shalu. But Anushka stays firm in her decision.
Anushka expects Karishma to support her, but she denies it. She reveals that supporting her would have been better for her because Shalu is trying to unite with Aayush. She expresses her disappointment that she didn’t find someone as good as Rishi because he only loves Lakshmi and will never leave her. She also taunts Malishka that Rishi (Rohit Suchanti) will never give her a place in his life.
Shalu smartly kicks Shalu and runs, but Neel snatches a gun from a police officer and warns everyone by keeping Shalu at gunpoint. Then Anushka insults everyone. She calls Neelam the dumbest in the house, upon which Lakshmi confronts her. Later, Aayush and Shalu try to deal with Anushka, but in the chaotic moment, Anushka stabs Shalu, but Aayush comes in between, leading to a severe cut, creating a critical moment.