StarPlus’s popular show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, produced by Cockcrow and Shaka Entertainment, continues entertaining the audience. The show cast Bhavika Sharma as Savi and Hitesh Bharadwaj as Rajat are lead actors. Check out the written update of episode 1306, airing on 15th August 2024.
In today’s episode, we will see that in the late-night sequel, while Rajat (Hitesh Bharadwaj) is having a conversation on the phone, Saisha later comes to Savi’s (Bhavika Sharma) fiancé as Saisha doesn’t know that Rajat, her father, is only getting married to her. In the night sequel, Savi hears Rajat’s conversation on the phone and asks Rajat if he is getting married to Pari Aunty (Savi). By listening to this, Rajat is shocked.
In the next scene, Saisha tells Savi’s Fiancé (Rajat) not to marry Pari’s aunt (Savi) and states that she should not take Savi away from her, leading Rajat to tears. Later, Saisha also states that if he takes Pari Aunty (Savi) with him, she’ll meet her and comment on it.
Further, Saisha also made a shocking statement that she is the only one who loves her and also stated that Ashika (mother) always keeps scolding her; by listening to this, Rajat gets angry with Ashika and also says that if Pari Aunty (Savi) leaves, then who’ll tell her stories, who’ll take her for outings and repeatedly says that not to take Savi from her and comment on it. By going on the conversation between Saisha and Rajat, Ashika sees that and overhears the conversation and says that Rajat and Savi are getting married to each other and become shocked. End.
Credit: Disney+ Hotstar
Please watch this episode on StarPlus.