The StarPlus television show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, produced by Cockcrow and Shaka Entertainment, entertains the audience with an interesting storyline. The show cast Bhavika Sharma as Savi and Hitesh Bharadwaj as Rajat are lead actors. Check out the upcoming episode update airing on 3 September 2024.

In the upcoming episode, Ashika calls Savi (Bhavika Sharma) at midnight. She asks Savi to come to her house and take Rajat with her, as he has come over there in a drunken state and has created chaos in her bedroom. Savi is shocked to learn about Rajat’s behavior and decides to go. With Ashika’s expressions, it seems this is her new plan to ruin Rajat and Savi’s lives.

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Tara getting upset with Rajat. Savi takes Sai to school, where she hears her colleagues talking about a fake vaccine. She is shocked. Savi heads to stop Tara from taking the fake vaccine but finds out that the hospital is closed. Soon, she gets a message of yellow alert and gets worried about Sai.

On the other hand, Savi’s colleague calls Rajat and Ashika to come for Sai. Savi calls her colleague and learns that Rajat has come to take Sai to school. Rajat comes to take Sai from the school and meets Harsh, who instigates him by highlighting that Sai is his daughter, leaving Rajat tensed.

Rajat goes to take Sai, and while talking to his client, Rajat returns home with another girl. Savi taunts Rajat and goes to take Sai. Savi begs pardon from the parents of the other kid and takes Sai with her. Later, Harsh again taunts Rajat and promises him that he will soon take Sai from him; this time, he has legitimate proof. Sai becomes sad and shares her feelings with Savi about being a bad girl as her father doesn’t like her.

Rajat, wondering in his own world, is confronted by Bhagyashree, who asks about his behavior towards Sai. Savi intervenes and accuses Rajat of having fake love for Sai. Savi calls Rajat a selfish and ignorant person. Lastly, Rajendra scolds Rajat for his behavior while Savi cries.