Zee TV show Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators, entertains the audience with twists and turns featuring Sriti Jha and Arjit Taneja in lead roles. The show’s upcoming episode, which airs on 12 December 2024, will entertain you fully.
In the upcoming episode, Virat (Arjit Taneja) happily welcomes Vasudha on the stage introducing her as the brand ambassador of Satva beauty products. As she comes, Priyanka gives a signal to Rajiv and he taps the button, leading to a blast, leaving Amruta (Sriti Jha) and Virat shocked.
Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Today’s Written Update
Today’s episode begins with Karishma pretending to be hurt, which Vasudha overhears. Karishma gives the speech to Vasudha and asks her to learn it for the event. Vasudha gives the speech to Amruta to check it. On the other hand, Virat completes the preparations for the event, which Dev approves. Virat shows a demo, and he flirts with Amruta, bringing them close. Dev compliments Amruta and Virat’s chemistry, which makes Shubh jealous.
Virat proposes the idea of dance, which Shubh disapproves of, but at Virat and Amruta’s demand, he agrees. Virat tries to convince Vasudha for dance. Amruta also supports his decision and motivates Vasudha for dance. Karishma orders Vasudha to read the speech clearly on the stage. Amruta fails to read the speech and asks Vasudha to learn it.
Later, Amruta checks the ‘waiters’ herself, which scares Rajive. However, Dev intervenes and praises Amruta’s efforts and work. Amidst this, Rajiv escapes. Priyanka tells Rajiv to be prepared to ruin the event. Virat begins the launch event and calls Vasudha as the brand ambassador on the stage, and Priyanka, Karishma, and Ishika wait to see the drama.