Zee TV show Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators, entertains the audience with twists and turns featuring Sriti Jha and Arjit Taneja in lead roles. The show’s upcoming episode, which airs on 14 December 2024, will entertain you fully.
In the upcoming episode, Virat (Arjit Taneja) tells Amruta ( Sriti Jha) that working is very important. Then, Amruta offers him a job at Shubh’s company, as she needs a hard-working man. Wendy asks about Virat’s salary. Amruta reveals he will get fifteen thousand, upon which Wendy taunts him that he will get the salary of a watchman in this building. Ishika and Priyanka overhear their conversation.
Later, Shubh apologizes to Amruta for the late-night meeting. Virat tells Shubhankar that he will bring the vehicle, upon which Shubhankar degrades Virat, saying that only he and Amruta will go to the meeting. Shubh orders Virat to go to the factory and begin the unloading process. Amruta feels bad for Virat, and Priyanka enjoys the scene.
Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Today’s Written Update
Today’s episode begins with Virat beating Rajiv. Suddenly, Vasudha comes, asking them to save Amruta first. Rajiv puts a knife on Vasudha’s neck, but she requests they help Amruta. Amruta runs with the bomb in her hand, and it suddenly blasts, but Amruta throws it in the pool. Everyone hears the noise, and Virat runs to see her. Priyanka and Ishika become happy.
Virat finds Amruta and takes care of her. Priyanka gets upset with the failure of her plan. Shubh calls the police, and Virat accuses Rajiv of planning everything. He also involves Priyanka, but Amruta stops him because they don’t have proof. Later, Virat warns Amruta that she will not do anything that will endanger her life.
Virat and Amruta fight over Priyanka. Virat pushes Amruta, and Shubh handles her. Ishika overhears everything, and Amruta chooses to go with Shubh, going against Virat’s order. Ishika tells this to Priyanka, who thinks it will ruin Amruta and Virat’s relationship. Wendy also sees Amruta and Virat’s fight, and she tells Bhavani and hopes that Amruta will leave Virat now.