Zee TV show Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators, entertains the audience with twists and turns featuring Sriti Jha and Arjit Taneja in lead roles. The show’s upcoming episode, which airs on 15 December 2024, will entertain you fully.
In the upcoming episode, Shubh, Virat (Arjit Taneja) and Amruta (Sriti Jha) come for breakfast. Virat tells Amruta that he will no longer do the peon job, but she can tell him if there is some valuable job. Amruta tells Virat that he promised to do the job, but Virat refuses now, which makes Babita happy. Ishika overhears the argument outside the house.
Later, Virat takes food for himself, and Wendy snatches it from his hand to give it to Shubh, highlighting that Shubh is Amruta’s boss and that Virat will have lunch in the afternoon. Witnessing this, Bhavani feels very wrong, and Amruta is shocked.
Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Today’s Written Update
Today’s episode begins with Virat losing his license and car driving job. He throws his phone, and Amruta confronts him for wasting money. Ishika and Priyanka become happy witnessing their fights. Virat and Amruta come home. Amruta offers Virat a peon job at Shubh’s office. Babita denies it, but Amruta gives her promise to Virat and asks him to do the job to support her financially.
Babita takes a stand against Amruta and tells Dildar not to support her. Amruta tries to make Dildar understand her perspective, but Babita warns her. Amruta receives a call from Shubh, and she leaves. Amruta meets Shubh, and Virat accompanies them. Shubh tells Amruta to come with him, and Virat goes with the driver to handle the delivery.
Priyanka and Ishika enjoy Virat’s insults. Priyanka taunts Virat that all the girls in his life leave him. Priyanka plans to ruin Virat’s life. Virat thinks about Amruta and her behaviour. As he sits inside the car, Amruta and Shubh also come, and they reveal their plan.