Zee TV show Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators, entertains the audience with twists and turns featuring Sriti Jha and Arjit Taneja in lead roles. The show’s upcoming episode, which airs on 19 December 2024, will entertain you fully.

In the upcoming episode, Virat (Arjit Taneja) drinks a lot, seeing Amruta (Sriti Jha) and Shubh dancing together.  He pushes Shubh into a hangover, which makes Priyanka and Ishika happy. Virat tells Amruta that he wants to finish this drama, which leaves Amruta shocked. Shubh also wonders if Virat is trying to reveal the truth.

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Ishika taunting Bhavani and saying that Amruta is leaving Virat for money. Wendy takes a stand against Ishika and tells her that she is proud of Amruta, as she made the right decision because she cannot stay with someone without a house. Wendy says that Amruta will soon leave Virat, which Dildar overhears and feels hurt. Ishika taunts Bhavani and tells her that Amruta is walking in her father’s footsteps. Dildar clarifies to Wendy that he has no doubt about Amruta and she can never leave Virat.

Later, Amruta and Virat come close to each other at night. Virat tries to get close to Amruta and flirts with her. Amruta kisses his cheeks and makes him sleek. But Virat tells her to come close, and Amruta comes close to him to kiss him on the lips, but she goes to sleep directly, leaving him unsatisfied.

The next day, Virat, Amruta, and Shubh execute their plan. Virat brings labeled alcohol to drink for the drama. After the engagement ceremony, everyone starts dancing. Priyanka tries to demean Virat, but he ignores her. Shubh asks Amruta to dance, but she denies it. Then Priyanka tells Amruta to dance with Shubh. As Shubh and Amruta dance together, Virat starts drinking, making Priyanka and Ishika happy.