The episode starts with Ishwari welcoming Aayush inside. She tells him that since this is the first time her grandchild has come home she should do something to welcome him. Ayush is amazing by the huge house and the rooms. Everything was ready for him. Sonakshi decides that she wants to buy new toys for Aayush. Sonakshi worries that Soha will have problems with the new arrangements as she isn’t used to sharing her room.

Ishwari shows Ayush the whole house and then takes him to pray in the Mandir, even though he just stands still. Soha enters the room Dev and Sonakshi are in and ask them if they have a guest over. They tell her a friend’s son is here to stay with them. Sonakshi says she needs to take care of him and show him all her good sides and manners. But Soha isn’t too fond of the idea, increasing their worries.

Ishwari calls them once lunch is ready. Soha feels neglected when everyone rushes to Ayush’s aid. There is some commotion when the food is served. But after they eat Dev takes Ayush to show him his room. Once they are gone, Soha says that she doesn’t like the way he eats. But Ishwari reprimands her which only makes her mad and soon Soha leaves the table. When Sonakshi asks her why she did that, Ishewari simply said she knows how to raise a child and wants to make sure he feels like he is a part of the family.

Ayush was reading a comic book when Soha comes. She calls him weird because of his problems at home. She warns him not to touch her toys. She takes him comic and calls him stupid but he never says anything.

Dev and Sonakshi come to their room in the night to fix their beds. She still thinks Ayush should have his own room but Dev tells her it’s okay because he is Soha’s brother. Ayush dreams of his father that night. He gets up and goes to the lounge but breaks a vase on the way out. Everyone gets up and goes to help him.

Sonakshi goes to Soha. Dev consoles Ayush about his dream with his father. The episode ends with the kids going back to sleep.