The episode of Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi starts with the doctor asking Mrs Verma to give the medicines to Mr Verma on time. Mrs Verma couldn’t understand what is written in the prescription as it is written in English. She asks the nurse to explain it to her. Ayush tells Mrs Verma that he is hungry and is going to the canteen to eat. Mrs Verma doesn’t hear him as she is busy with the nurse. Ayush goes into the canteen. Sonakshi comes there. She asks Ayush to sit with her at the table. She says she brought something for him. Sonakshi gives him the sandwich and says Soha made it. Ayush asks if Soha made it for him. Sonakshi says Soha made it for Ayush as she and their whole family is missing him.

Sonakshi asks what Ayush’s favourite dish is. Ayush says chicken. Sonakshi says even she likes chicken. Ayush asks why they don’t make chicken at home. He asks if Ishwari doesn’t let them. Sonakshi says that Ishwari and Dev eat the only veg and she is a Bengali so she likes chicken but she loves Dev and for Dev, she can sacrifice anything. Mrs Verma learns that Ayush is not around. She asks the nurse to make an announcement.

The nurse makes an announcement and asks Ayush to come into the operation theatre. Ayush leaves. Mrs Verma hugs him and asks where he went. Ayush says he informed her and went to eat. Sonakshi comes there. Mr Verma asks her what she is doing there. Sonakshi says she is a dietitian and will take care of Mr Verma’s diet. Sonakshi tells Ayush that they all will be waiting for him at home.

Later, Mr Verma gets discharged and they go home. He drops the glass while drinking water. Mrs Verma burns the vegetables while cooking. Ayush told his grandparents that he was upset with Soha so he left the house. He says Dev and Sonakshi take care of him all the time and Ishwari is busy making his favourite food. Mr Verma thinks he has to apologise to Dev and send Ayush back to them.

Mr Verma calls Dev and asks him to come to take Ayush. Dev gets happy and informs everyone. Dev goes to take Ayush. Ayush hugs his grandparents and leaves with Dev. He asks Dev that he is similar to Dev then why he did not understand what he wanted to say. Dev apologises to Ayush and says he will be there for Ayush all the time.

Dev gets Ayush home. Soha goes to Ayush and says she has a surprise for him and takes him into their room.