Sherlin inquires as to what Preeta is doing and tries to stop her, but Preeta is about to hit her with it; Sherlin smiles as she notices Preeta saying she is going to hit a six; Sherlin sits down and reveals that Preeta, who is always standing with her husband, will be unable to do anything because she is under the influence; she explains that her mother and Karina Luthra are besties So this is why she urged her mother to marry her to Rishab since her Punnu baby wanted to get revenge on her with him, but then he began to love her, and Rishab Luthra loved her as well, and they both listened to all she said. She then concluded that Preeta was obstructing her progress, and that she needed to expel her from their lives because she was attempting to ruin everything for her.

Sherlin forces Preeta to sit beside her and explains that she would have heard the idiom as they tend to be there as the day progresses. She also explains that she is going to get another woman because his sister Natasha and Karan will do what she is unable to do as they prepare for the honeymoon. Preeta slaps Sherlin, asking how she could bring another woman into the house when Natasha was the only woman who had come in the previous five years, but no one had been able to stick with him because Karan Luthra only belongs to Preeta. Sherlin leaves, exclaiming that they are going to see who he belongs to, so she closes the door from the outside.

When Natasha and Sherlin perceive an opening, they urge Karan to join them, but he refuses when they explain that he is heading to Preeta; however, they are able to carry him away. Meanwhile, Rakhi is crying because she can’t whistle. When Karina asks if she can teach her, she blows a really good whistle, and Rakhi joins in. They all start dancing. When Karan encourages Pardeep to beat him even harder, Sherlin becomes upset and asks Natasha to stop her because if they both keep fighting, they might reveal their truth. They try to stop them, but Karan manages to walk away. Shristhi enters the room but is surprised to find Janki and Bi jee missing. Janki, who emerges from the corner, tells her to hide since there is a criminal on the loose. When Bi jee emerges, dressed as a police gangster, Shristhi forces her to sit on the bed.

Preeta asks Karan if he would help her come out when he mentions he was tired after dancing with his friend, he pens the door when Preeta starts crying, she reveals Sherlin said bad things to her, karan says she must forget her because she is a witch, Preeta starts crying again, explaining she might lock her up again, but karan says he will lock Preeta before Sherlin, so entering the room, Preeta begins to smile as soon as he sits down on the bed, and she, too, sits next him. They both smile at one other until Karan eventually turns to face Preeta.