In Kundali Bhagya, After undergoing plastic surgery, Karan appears as Arjun. Karan from Kundali Bhagya is back with a new look and a new identity for Arjun. Karan exhibits the same aggressivity. With the five-year-jump, the tale continues. Preeta is the mother of a five-year-old daughter. Rishabh and Preeta form a strong bond with their daughter and form a loving family. Karan creates havoc in their life. He’s returned to seek vengeance on them after learning the truth about their affair. He believes they both attempted to kill him and get rid of him to combine. Karan declares that Preeta, the source of his grief, shall not be spared. He can’t get the prior visions out of his head. Preeta’s betrayal has demoralised him.

Then in Kundali Bhagya, Arjun will be a formidable competitor for Rishabh. Rakhi tries to persuade Preeta to agree to the marriage. Preeta requests that Rakhi refrains from pleading with her. She defends herself by claiming that no one can take Karan’s place in her life. Rishabh and Preeta’s relationship, according to Biji, would bring happiness to the family. Preeta requests that they not pressurise her. Rakhi claims that both of her sons adore her and that she loves them, that they can survive without Mahesh but not without their mother, that they don’t tell her about their issues, that they need a father when they are in trouble, and that their father gives them strength and courage. She urges Preeta to consider the child who would seek a father’s affection.

Later in Kundali Bhagya Rakhi claims that If Karan isn’t living, she wonders if the child doesn’t deserve a father’s love. Rakhi uses Preeta’s emotions to blackmail her. Rishabh, Rakhi claims, will be the finest father for Karan and Preeta’s child. She just asks Preeta to say yes. Preeta surrenders and agrees. Rakhi expresses her gratitude to Matarani. Kareena begs Rishabh to explain what the kid’s responsibility is in this case; the infant would want his father’s love, but he doesn’t get it. Rishabh responds that he will lavish affection on the baby, as will the rest of the family, and that the baby will take up Karan’s space. Rishabh is asked by Mahesh to remember his Tau Ji, who was very fond of him. He inquires if Rishabh loved his Tau Ji more than him, stating that a father is a father and that no one can replace a father.

Lastly in Kundali Bhagya, he considers Preeta to be his daughter. He admits that he may not be with Preeta for the rest of her life, but he wants to see her secure before he passes away, and he thinks Rishabh is the finest person to provide her with that security. He wants Rishabh to take over and relieve him of this obligation.

Picture Credit- Zee5