In today’s episode, we can see that Meet at the community centre believes that my family has suffered as a result of a mistake that I did not make. In front of everyone, he joins his hands and declares, “This shouldn’t have happened.” Meet clasps her hands together and exclaims, “This shouldn’t have happened.” Meet Ahlawat says he’s sorry for what happened to Ravi, but he doesn’t show up to apologise. Meet says I’m embarrassed that my hubby had to apologise because of me. Meet Ahlawat, I say. On behalf of Ahlawat’s family, Meet Ahlawat apologised in front of everyone. While on my knees, Meet adds, “I’m sorry.”

If somebody tries to disrespect our community, Panch argues, this is what should be done. Manushi says, “Did I ask you to apologise?” You arrived late, and your family was insulted as a result of your tardiness; by the way, I’ll give you two options today: first, you can cry for your marriage; second, you can think of it as a nightmare and forget about it; because in the last 7 hours, Meet Ahlawat has been humiliated so much in front of society as a result of your tardiness, and he will think about it, again and again, making him angry against you; now your days are numbered because

What Panch said to them was to meet Ahlawat in the garden. Raj tells Meet Ahlawat, “Forget what others think, you are the one who is close to Meet.” Consider how well you know her; you’re bound to have a lot of questions, so ask them from your heart and you won’t need an answer.

Meet says to Manushi, “You know nothing can beat the truth, which you don’t understand,” but “Today you will understand when I’ll tell everything the truth about you in front of Meet Ahlawat, and this time I won’t be in the way when he takes revenge on you because you deserve hate,” so prepare to face my husband’s wrath.