Star Plus show Udne Ki Aasha, set in a Maharashtrian backdrop, showcases the story of a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband and her struggles to transform him for progress. The show cast Kanwar Dhillon as the male lead, Sachin as a taxi driver, and Neha Harsora as the female lead, Sayali as a florist who works hard for her life and family. It is produced by Rolling Tales Production. Check out the written update of the episode airing on 1 February 2025.
In the upcoming episode, Sayali (Neha Harsora) tells Dilip not to work for Chiti, but he denies her request. Shobha tells Dilip that because of him, differences are growing between Sayali and Sachin (Kanwar Dhillion) and the son-in-law is not talking to her. Dilip says that Sayali shouldn’t talk to Sachin. Sachin gives Sayali a choice between Sachin and Dilip. Will Sachin expose Dilip in front of Sayali?
Udne Ki Aasha Today’s Written Update
Today’s episode begins with Sayali telling her siblings to have food, as on her father’s death anniversary, they cannot stay hungry. Sayali starts eating the food, and Shobha notices her pain. Shobha hugs Sayali, and she breaks down in tears. Sayali returns home, and Paresh asks her if everything is fine. Meanwhile, Sachin arrives. Sayali shares about the incident at her house, which makes Paresh angry. Paresh confronts Sachin, who claims that he did the right thing.
Sachin talks to Sayali, telling her she doesn’t need to tell Paresh about this. Sayali and Sachin again indulge in a fight, and Renuka and Roshini become happy. Later, Roshini indulges in an intense argument with Tejas as he leaves his job and fails to earn money. Tejas becomes stubborn, which makes Roshini pissed. At the same time, Riya’s holiday offers from her mother burst Akash, and he also argues with her.
Later, Sachin, Tejas, and Akash go to the terrace to sleep while Sayali, Riya, and Roshini in the kitchen discuss men’s behavior changes after marriage. On the other hand, all three boys express their frustration about their wives’ behavior changes after marriage.