Star Plus show Udne Ki Aasha, set in a Maharashtrian backdrop, showcases the story of a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband and her struggles to transform him for progress. The show cast Kanwar Dhillon as the male lead, Sachin as a taxi driver, and Neha Harsora as the female lead, Sayali as a florist who works hard for her life and family. Check out the written update of the episode airing on 26 January 2025.
In the upcoming episode, Sayali (Neha Harsora) finds Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) outside the hospital and catches him red-handed, drinking alcohol. She confronts him, and Sachin says that, yes, he has started drinking. Sayali asks Sachin if he was drunk when he beat Dilip, and he says yes, which leaves her heartbroken. Sayali questions Sachin about his behavior, and he shares that Dilip is also not right, highlighting that there is a big reason. Sayali asks about the reason behind his this action.
Udne Ki Aasha Today’s Written Update
Today’s episode begins with Sachin trying to make Dilip understand his mistake. Sachin asks him why he is stealing money. Dilip looks furious, and he talks rudely with Sachin. Sachin threatens Dilip that he will tell Sayali the truth. Dilip is not ashamed. Rather, he challenges him to do whatever he wants. Sachin then calmly tries to make Dilip understand that stealing money is not right, but Dilip highlights that his family members only called him a thief, so now he has no issue, and can do anything for money. Sachin becomes angry and leaves after Dilip insults him for being unable to make jewelry for Sayali.
Sayali tells her mother they need 30 thousand for Dilip’s hand operation. Sayali and her mother somehow arrange a few amounts, and Sayali asks the doctor for help. Sayali gets an EMI option, but the doctor also reveals about the fracture. Sayali questions Dilip about his accident and reveals that he is lying. Sachin becomes upset and starts drinking alcohol. Anya tries to make him calm, but Sachin looks deeply hurt. Sayali confronts Dilip, and in the heat of the moment, he reveals the truth, highlighting that Sachin broke his hand. Sayali is shocked, and her mother is heartbroken by this attitude.