Star Plus show Udne Ki Aasha, set in a Maharashtrian backdrop, showcases the story of a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband and her struggles to transform him for progress. The show cast Kanwar Dhillon as the male lead, Sachin as a taxi driver, and Neha Harsora as the female lead, Sayali as a florist who works hard for her life and family. Check out the written update of the episode airing on 28 January 2025.
In the upcoming episode, Dilip, Sayali, and the third mother perform puja at her house. As Sachin arrives, he hears people talking about him and how he beat Dilip. Sachin feels insulted and confronts Sayali if she invites him to insult him. Dilip misbehaves with Sachin, creating a critical moment. Sachin once again beats Dilip, leaving Sayali devastated.
Udne Ki Aasha Today’s Written Update
Today’s episode begins with Sayali confronting Sachin about his behavior. She tells him that she feels like she can trust him and understand his behavior, but the next moment, he does something that breaks her trust. Sayali gets hurt, and Sachin worries about her, but she asks him to stay away.
Sachin meets his fellow taxi drivers, who reveal Chitti’s ultimatum to them about snatching their cars. Sachin becomes angry and goes to meet Chitti. Sachin tells Chitti to leave his people and that he can only do whatever he wants to do with him. Chitti warns Sachin and asks him to apologise in front of everyone, and then he will spare his friends.
Sachin’s mother makes fun of Sachin and Sayali’s relationship, which bothers Paresh. The next day, Riya complains to Aakash about forgetting to wish him for their anniversary. She proves that men remember dates when she asks Paresh about his past when he met his wife. Riya punishes Aakash and tells him to drop her by cycle. Riya’s parents see her, and they decide to bring Riya back to their house.