Star Plus show Udne Ki Aasha, set in a Maharashtrian backdrop, showcases the story of a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband and her struggles to transform him for progress. The show cast Kanwar Dhillon as the male lead, Sachin as a taxi driver, and Neha Harsora as the female lead, Sayali as a florist who works hard for her life and family. It is produced by Rolling Tales Production. Check out the written update of the episode airing on 29 January 2025.

In the upcoming episode, Shobha, Dilip, and Sayali (Neha Harsora) perform puja on Sayali and Dilip’s father’s death anniversary. Dilip fails to hold a plate, and it falls to the floor. With heavy hearts, Shobha reveals that Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) has caused this damage. Neighbors taunt Sayali, asking her if her husband still fights with others. Sayali cries while Sachin overhears everything. Dilip misbehaves with Sachin, and he beats him again. Sayali asks Sachin what he is trying to do and if he has gone mad. Sachin confronts Sayali, asking her if she called him to insult him.

Udne Ki Aasha Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Anya and other taxi drivers worrying about their future as Chitti will snatch their cars from them. Soon, Chitti comes and shows off his attitude to everyone. Soon, Sachin arrives and surprises Chitti with his actions. But he doesn’t beat him. Chitti asks Sachin to beg in front of him and apologize, but Sachin repays all his colleagues’ loans and gives Chitti a fitting reply.

Anya asks Sachin how he arranged so much money. Sachin reveals that he sold his car and gets emotional. Sachin plans to work here and there to earn money. Paresh expresses his disappointment over Sachin’s behavior. He apologises to Shobha and, before leaving, gives money for Dilip’s treatment. But Shobha and Sayali refuse to take the money, highlighting that they can arrange money.

Shobha expresses her concern for Sayali, emphasizing that Sachin might do the same with Sayali someday. Later, Paresh looks tensed, and Renuka taunts her over Sachin’s behavior. Paresh confronts Renuka, clarifying that he has enough reputation in front of Sayali’s family. Meanwhile, Sachin comes, and Paresh takes him to talk. Renuka taunts Sayali, highlighting that one day Sachin might break her hands, too.