Star Plus show Udne Ki Aasha, set in a Maharashtrian backdrop, showcases the story of a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband and her struggles to transform him for progress. The show cast Kanwar Dhillon as the male lead, Sachin as a taxi driver, and Neha Harsora as the female lead, Sayali as a florist who works hard for her life and family. It is produced by Rolling Tales Production. Check out the written update of the episode airing on 31 January 2025.

In the upcoming episode, Sayali (Neha Harsora) tells Dilip to stop working with Chitti as people are saying he has become a big goon. Dilip refuses to leave Chitti’s job, highlighting that Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) has also become a big goon. Shobha tells Dilip that Sachin and Sayali’s differences are growing because of him. Dilip doesn’t care about that. Later, Sachin leaves Sayali in a tough spot, telling her that if she respects him, she will not go back to her house, nor will she talk to Dilip.

Udne Ki Aasha Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Shobha leaving the house after inviting Paresh and his family on Sayali’s father’s death anniversary. Sayali begs for pardon from Shobha, who expresses her concern for Sayali. Meanwhile, Sachin arrives, refuses to talk to Shobha, and goes inside the house. Sachin asks Paresh about Shobha’s arrival, and he asks him why he didn’t ask Shobha himself. But Sachin gives an excuse, and Sayali notices his behavior.

Sayali confronts Sachin for his behavior and tells him to come to the death anniversary Puja with a clear and confident mind. On the other hand, Riya’s mother asks her if she is facing financial problems, but she reveals that everything is fine. Riya asks her mother why she is interrogating her. Her mother reveals that she saw her and Aakash on cycle. Riya calms her mother, revealing that it was Aakash’s punishment for forgetting their anniversary.

Later, neighbors start coming to Shobha’s house and gossiping about Sachin beating Dilip. Shobha cries and asks Dilip to begin the puja and hands him the diya, but Dilip fails to perform the puja due to his hand injury. Witnessing this, Shobha calls Sachin a bad person and says bad things about him, which Sachin overhears. Dilip misbehaves with Sachin and asks him to leave, which makes him angry, and he beats him again. Sayali is upset seeing the deteriorating confidence.