Vanshaj, the Sony Sab television show produced by Swastik Productions, continues entertaining the audience with thrilling sequences and nail-biting dramas. The show casts Anjali Tatrari, Shaleen Malhotra, and Mahir Pandhi in the lead roles. The written update of the upcoming episode airing on 6 September 2024 will keep you hooked on what will happen next.

In the upcoming episode, Yuvika (Anjali Tatrari) discovers from a police officer that Isha has gone missing after being seen with someone almost outside Delhi. Alarmed by Isha’s broken phone discovery, Yuvika rushes to investigate, suspecting foul play and worrying about her sister’s well-being.

Isha wakes up after some time alone in an unfamiliar place, trapped and desperately searching for Akshat. Soon, Akshat reappears and offers her breakfast with a drug-infused juice as instructed by Yash (Shaleen Malhotra). Simultaneously, Yash feels guilty and experiences physical pain, and realizes the seriousness of his actions but fails to reach Akshat.

On the other hand, Bhoomi confronts Shalini, threatening her if anything happens to Isha. At the same time, Yuvika receives a cryptic call, during which Yash becomes her well-wisher and shares details about Isha’s whereabouts. Yuvika goes to the farmhouse in Khadki and realizes that Akshat is Yash’s brother. Upon arrival, she slaps Akshat, demanding to know Isha’s whereabouts.

Yash wakes up from consciousness and sees the video recorded on his phone about himself becoming Yuvika’s well-wisher and helping her, leaving him shocked. Yash realizes that because of his heart, he experiences pain. Before becoming conscious, he helps Yuvika himself and forgets about it after he wakes up, creating a tense situation.