Vanshaj TV serial, produced by Swastik Productions and airing on Sony Sab, continues to entertain the audience with interesting and thrilling ups and downs. The show casts Anjali Tatrari, Shaleen Malhotra, and Mahir Pandhi as lead actors. Check out the written update of the episode airing on 7 September 2024.

In the upcoming episode, Yuvika discovers Isha’s whereabouts with the help of her well-wisher, Yash. She also finds that Akshat is Yash’s brother. Yuvika reaches the spot that raises tension, and she slaps Akshat repeatedly, demanding to know where Isha is, only for Isha to suddenly appear, looking confused.

Yuvika, overwhelmed with relief and anger, accuses Akshat of kidnapping her. But Isha, still upset with the DJ incident, defends Akshat, highlighting her trust in him over Yuvika. The revelation that Akshat is Yash Talwar’s brother leaves Isha shocked and heartbroken, while Akshat, consumed by guilt and love, cannot defend himself.

Yash is shocked by the strange connection he feels towards Yuvika and realizes he is the mysterious figure who has been saving Yuvika all this time. On the other hand, Bhoomi confronts Shalini, asserting her new-found resolve to protect her daughters at any cost.

Later, Akshat confesses his love for Isha to Yash, leaving the brothers stuck with their conflicting loyalties. Meanwhile, DJ discovers a link between Yash’s heart condition and Neel’s death, leaving a sense of intrigue as the web of secrets continues to be revealed.