StarPlus’s show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, produced by Rajan Shahi, is ruling over audiences’ hearts with its gripping storyline. The show casts Samridhii Shukla, Rohit Purohit, and Garvita Sadhwani in the lead roles. Check out the full episode 1388, which aired on August 21, 2024.
In today’s episode, Abhira (Samridhii Shukla) tells Armaan (Rohit Purohit) that once she gives him a ring, it will be his responsibility, and she hopes he will also give her a ring. She gets worried about who will keep her ring safe. Abhira complains to Akshara about leaving her early. She then learns about the robbery. Armaan calls Abhira and asks if she is scared, and he decides to help her. Abhira is shocked to see the robbers and ends up trapped. The robbers attack her and demand to know where the ring is.
Later, Armaan tries to help Abhira, but Kaveri stops him. She says Abhira is in charge of the ring and tells Armaan to let her handle it. The robbers find the ring, and Abhira worries that Kaveri, Vidya, and Armaan will lose trust in her for not managing it. Determined to protect the ring, Abhira fights with robbers.
Armaan tries to find a way to get to Abhira, but Kaveri blocks him and tells him to get some rest. Abhira focuses on protecting the ring and is determined not to let Kaveri down. She decides to tell Armaan about what happened later. Abhira insists that no one can take Armaan’s ring. Armaan asks if Abhira is okay, and she reassures him she is fine. He then asks her to visit him in his dreams and gets romantic, but Abhira tells him to sleep and cuts a call.
In the next scene, Rohit (Romiit Raaj) plans a surprise date for Ruhi (Garvita Sadhwani), but she tries to avoid him. Rohit urges her not to ruin the date, and they dance together. As Ruhi dances, she imagines Armaan and confesses her love to Rohit, thinking of Armaan. Rohit misunderstands and is thrilled, believing Ruhi’s feelings are for him. Ruhi becomes anxious about her confession.
Abhira and Armaan wake up in the morning sequel, thrilled about their engagement, and dance joyfully. As Abhira checks her ring box, she is shocked to find that the ring is missing, and seeing this, Abhira is shocked. End.
Credit: Disney+ Hotstar
Please watch this episode on StarPlus.