StarPlus show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions, entertains the audience with major dramas and nail-biting twists. Samridhii Shukla, Rohit Purohit, Garvita Sadhwani, and Romiit Raaj play the lead roles. Check out the full written episode update, airing on 11 January 2025.
In the upcoming episode, Vidya gets jailed, and she begs to leave her. She faints from stress, and Armaan (Rohit Purohit) takes care of her. Abhira (Samridhii Shukla) tries to save Armaan and their family, but people throw stones at them. Later, Abhira appreciates Abhira; meanwhile, Armaan comes to meet Abhira, driving a bike directly into the house, creating an intense moment.
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Today’s Written Update
Today’s episode begins with Armaan confronting Sanjay and asking if she conspired against him and mixed pills in his coffee. Sanjay taunts Armaan that he had to do things to save Vidya. Armaan tries to console Abhira, but she cries, highlighting that his family always does this. She also reveals that Abhira has nothing left for him, and now they are trying to prove him mentally. Abhira leaves from there, and Armaan looks tense.
Abhir tries to kill himself and takes an overdose of sleeping pills. Abhira saves Abhir and assures him that she will get justice for him. The next day, Armaan tries to prove that Abhir’s mistake caused the accident to happen. Abhira shows the clip where Vidya hits Abhir and leaves him on the road.
Abhira’s lawyer calls Vidya into the witness box, and she accepts that she is guilty but begs to leave as she didn’t do it purposely; it happened by chance. The judge gives her verdict and tells her that Vidya will be jailed for ten years, leaving everyone shocked.