StarPlus show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions, entertains the audience with major dramas and nail-biting twists. Samridhii Shukla, Rohit Purohit, Garvita Sadhwani, and Romiit Raaj play the lead roles. Check out the full written episode update, airing on 18 December 2024.

In the upcoming episode, Kaveri gives her sandal to Manish’s hand on the stage at the event, disrespecting him. Manish accuses Kaveri that her family members make mistakes and blames others. Armaan (Rohit Purohit) stops Manish, pushing him, leading him to fall. Abhira (Samridhii Shukla) gets angry, and Armaan apologizes, but she clarifies that she can live without love but not without respect.

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Manish convincing Abhira to get a divorce from Armaan. Swarna takes a stand against Manish, highlighting that Armaan and Abhira will take the decision, not him, as he is making the matter more serious. Vidya advises Armaan to make a decision about what he has to do, and Armaan says that he wants Abhira back. Upon this, Vidya tells him to give Abhira enough time to handle things.

Armaan falls off the bed, dreaming about Abhira asking him to give him back either her BSP or Daksh. Ruhi comes with Daksh in the garden, and Abhira calls her to inform her that she has to visit the hospital, which makes her emotional. Daksh starts crying, and Abhir makes him happy. Abhir talks about creating a bond like before. Abhir highlights the truth about Abhira’s condition. Ruhi accepts her pain and realizes her mistake.

Manish confronts Abhir for taking the case against him lightly. On the other hand, Kaveri gives the case to Charu in front of Sanjay. Vidya convinces Kaveri to attend the felicitation ceremony, and Swarna convinces Manish. Abhira calls Armaan and asks him to meet. Armaan and Abhira become emotional, and he asks her how he can make things better.