StarPlus show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions, entertains the audience with major dramas and nail-biting twists. Samridhii Shukla, Rohit Purohit, Garvita Sadhwani, and Romiit Raaj play the lead roles. Check out the full written episode update, airing on 18 January 2025.

In the upcoming episode, Abhira (Samridhii Shukla) decides to start a new life. She joins a lawyer as an intern. Her relationship with her boss grows better. She takes a board and screams that people can come to her boss for a divorce case. Abhira also tells her boss to fight her divorce case because she thinks it will be better. As they enjoy each other’s company, Armaan (Rohit Purohit) looks jealous, witnessing Abhira’s growing chemistry with her boss.

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Armaan listening to Kaveri and Sanjay discuss how Armaan has only interest in Abhira and always chooses her over Vidya. She also highlights that if someone’s relationship breaks due to the third person, that means the relationship is not strong enough. After thinking about Abhira’s condition and recalling Vidya’s deteriorating mental health, Armaan decides to choose Vidya over Abhira.

Abhira cries, and Manish consoles her. He highlights the fact that Armaan doesn’t wish to be back with her, and she should also leave. Abhira swears to wait for Armaan for her life. The next day, Abhira decides to go to the college. Swarna gives her a letter. Abhira is shocked to read about the fake allegations about her. Abhira comes to the court to discuss the issue. Abhira discovers that Armaan has made fake allegations of corruption against her, destroying her career as her license gets banned.

Armaan goes to tell his side, but Abhira expresses her feelings, highlighting that she has tried to understand Armaan’s behavior all these times, and this is what she receives in return. Abhira says that if she supports her family and Armaan supports his, then how is she wrong when both are doing the same thing? Abhira breaks down bears, and people insult her. Armaan feels bad about his gestures, but he holds himself to look after Vidya.