StarPlus show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions, entertains the audience with major dramas and nail-biting twists. Samridhii Shukla, Rohit Purohit, Garvita Sadhwani, and Romiit Raaj play the lead roles. Check out the full written episode update, airing on 26 January 2025.
In the upcoming episode, Abhira (Samridhii Shukla), in front of his family, reveals that he is in love and that girl is Charu. On the other hand, Kiara cries bitterly, revealing that she is in love with Abhir to Armaan (Rohit Purohit), and he promises to support her, but first, he will talk to Abhir. Abhira also plans to talk to Armaan.
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Today’s Written Update
Today’s episode begins with RK going to sleep, but Abhira knocks on his door. As he opens the door, Abhira slaps him, asking him how dare he intervene between her and Armaan’s personal matters. RK reveals that he did it for her because Armaan ruined her whole life. Abhira tells RK that she won’t work with him and that he should stay out of her personal matters.
Kiara asks Manisha for support in helping her marry Abhir, and she promises to stay by her side. On the other hand, Charu also asks for help from Kavita, but she hides the person’s name. The next day, RK comes to the Poddar house. He meets Kaveri, and she becomes angry. Armaan catches him and reveals he has come to apologize because he sent a gift to his house on behalf of Abhira.
RK blames Armaan for ruining Abhira’s life in his ego. He also taunts Kaveri and the whole family for Armaan and Abhira’s separation. Armaan dreams that Abhira is taking away all her belongings from him, and he suddenly wakes up. Armaan says to himself that Abhira is only his. On the other hand, Abhir gets Ruhi’s support for uniting with Charu.