StarPlus show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions, entertains the audience with major dramas and nail-biting twists. Samridhii Shukla, Rohit Purohit, Garvita Sadhwani, and Romiit Raaj play the lead roles. Check out the full written episode update, airing on 5 January 2025.

In the upcoming episode, Armaan (Rohit Purohit) tries to talk to Abhira (Samridhii Shukla). But Abhira tells Armaan that she knows he will say that Vidya didn’t purposely hit Abhir and that she ran away from the accident spot because she got scared. Armaan wishes Vidya would not have been involved in this, but eventually, she is his mother. Abhira tells Armaan that she loves him a lot, but Abhir is her brother, and his life is ruined now.

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Today’s Written Update

Today’s episode begins with Abhira asking the police if they found the guilty of Abhir’s accident. Armaan stops Abhira from taking medicine and calms her by giving her a head massage. Armaan tells Abhira that she doesn’t need to worry as everything will be fine eventually. Madhav sees the proof collected from the accident spot, and he finds an anklet similar to the one he gave to Vidya but ignores it.

Vidya panics and sprays perfume on her hand to eliminate the blood smell. She tries to reveal the truth in front of Rohit, but he tells her to talk later. Sanjay orders Charu to sue Abhir. Later, Sanjay confronts Armaan, asking him if he is ready to bring Abhira back or break his relationship with her. Armaan refuses to talk about this to Abhira. But Kaveri gives him an ultimatum.

Madhav consoles Armaan, and Vidya feels guilty. As she falls, Madhav holds her, and he finds one of her anklets missing. Madhav confronts Vidya, who asks him not to reveal the truth for the sake of Armaan and Abhira. Abhira tells Madhav to find the culprit actively. Vidya walks at midnight in sleep and takes Abhir’s name, which shocks Armaan, but Madhav handles the situation. Manisha tells Abhira about Kaveri’s challenge to Armaan, and Abhira decides not to leave Armaan.